Military Withdrawal

Last Revision: 05/14/24
Prior Revisions: Unknown
Initial Adoption: Unknown


TCC students who are members of the United States Armed Forces may have periods of duty outside of their assigned regions. The TCC Military withdrawal policy protects those individuals in accordance with applicable federal and state laws and regulations.

To Whom Does This Policy Apply

Students who are current members of the United States Armed Forces.


Covered Member: Member of the Armed Forces (including the reserve and national guard components) enrolled in Tacoma Community College.

Covered Service: Active service or inactive training, as such terms are defined in section 101 of title 10; or State active duty as defined in section 4303 of title 38.

Period of Covered Service: Period beginning on the date on which a covered member enters covered service and ending on the date on which the covered member is released from covered service or dies while in covered service.


  • 38 U.S. Code § 3691A
  • Pub. L. 117–328, div. U, title II, § 216(a)
  • RCW 28B.10.270
  • Tacoma Community College Grading Policy, STSV-208


In accordance with the provisions of RCW 28B.10.270, 38 U.S. Code § 3691A, and Pub. L. 117–328, div. U, title II, § 216(a), a covered individual may, after receiving orders to enter a period of covered service, withdraw or, if approved, take a leave of absence from Tacoma Community College.

Tacoma Community College will not take any adverse action against a covered individual on the basis that such covered member withdraws or takes a leave of absence for military orders to a period of covered service. 

Adverse actions include the following:

  1. The assignment of a failing grade to a covered member
  2. The reduction of the grade point average of a covered member
  3. The characterization of an absence of a covered member as unexcused
  4. The assessment of any financial penalty against a covered member

WITHDRAWAL: If a covered member withdraws from Tacoma Community College under the provision stated above, Tacoma Community College shall refund all tuition and fees for the academic term from which the covered member withdraws. Tuition and fees will be refunded to the agency or agencies from which they were paid. The course(s) will be removed from the covered member’s academic record.

LEAVE OF ABSENCE: If a covered member is approved for a leave of absence for a period of covered service, Tacoma Community College shall:

  1. Assign an “I” grade and follow the incomplete process outlined in the TCC 
    Grading System
  2. Permit the covered member, upon the completion of the period of covered 
    service, to be allowed one full quarter (not counting summer) to complete 
    remaining coursework to satisfactorily pass the class.

When requesting either a withdrawal or leave of absence for a period of covered service, the covered individual will provide a copy of military orders for the period of covered service to the Registrar. No exception to the withdrawal or incomplete policy will be granted without this submission.


Procedures and documentation should be maintained by Enrollment Services in an approved data management system. Veterans Services can only verify documents but does not have approval authority.


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